Funded Projects/Grants
I have worked on various research projects in different roles. Some of the key funded projects/grants are listed below:
Biomechanics-aware real-time robotics (BARR) for intelligent assistance of knee surgery and rehabilitation [2025-2030] (NWO OTP), role: joint principal investigator
STEADFAST: Swarm Technology Enabling Advanced Drone-Facilitated Active Support Tactics for Military and First Responder Operations [2025-2030] (NWO KIC), role: research partner
Rhizome 2.0: Scaling-up capability of human-robot interaction supported approaches for robotically 3D-printing extraterrestrial habitats [2023-2027] (European Space Agency), role: research partner
Brightsky: Sustainable maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft components [2022-2026] (RDM, Netherlands Enterprise Agency), role: researcher
Rhizome 1.0: Development of an autarkic design-to-robotic-production and operation system for building off-earth habitats [2021-2022] (European Space Agency), role: research partner
An adaptive and compliant robotic system for polymetallic nodule collection from a varying and unpredictable seabed [2021-2022] (3mE Cohesion Grant, TU Delft), role: joint principal investigator
Biomechanics-guided robotic physical therapy for safe and effective rehabilitation of rotator-cuff injuries [2020-2021] (3mE Cohesion Grant, TU Delft), role: joint principal investigator
CoDyCo: Whole-body multi-contact motion in humans and humanoids [2013-2015] (FP7, European Commission), role: researcher
Grant for research collaboration in Japan [2013-2014] (Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund), role: principal investigator
Research Awards
Best Paper Award at FICTA 2024 [2024]
Bier, H., Hidding, A., Prendergast, J. M & Peternel, L. (2024) Computer vision- and human-robot interaction-supported assembly for collaborative off-earth habitat construction. In 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA). Springer.
Finalist for Best Interactive Paper Award at Humanoids 2023 [2023]
Beck, I., Belli, I., Peternel, L., Seth, A., & Prendergast, J. M, (2023, December). Real-time tendon strain estimation of rotator-cuff muscles during robotic-assisted rehabilitation. In 2023 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). IEEE.
2018 KUKA Innovation Award [2018]
Robot adapting to task variations and human states to promote ergonomic human-robot collaboration
Finalist for Best Interactive Paper Award at Humanoids 2016 [2016]
Peternel, L., Tsagarakis, N., Caldwell, D., & Ajoudani, A. (2016, November). Adaptation of robot physical behaviour to human fatigue in human-robot co-manipulation. In 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) (pp. 489-494). IEEE.
Best Student Paper Award at RAAD 2012 [2012]
Peternel, L., & Babic, J. (2012, September). Using human sensory motor ability to control robot stability: Construction and evaluation of human-robot interface. In 21th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (pp. 107-113).